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Arizona Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder ridgeback puppy ringbling ring bling fancy show lead leash beaded kangaroo leather
Here's how to get in touch with us:
Telephone Jamie at:  (480) 529-0126
Email:     azreddawg@cox.net   
Or, feel free to send the following inquiry,
and we will respond as soon as possible:

Full name:
Email address:
Comment or question:
What is the best way to contact you?
By email
By phone
If by phone, what is the best time of day to get in touch with you?

Please respond with questions about Rhodesian Ridgebacks,
or availability and styles of RingBling Show Leads. 
If you wish to place a custom leash order,
please select the Order & Check-out Tab for a comprehensive form. 
Jamie McKinney

Thank you for visiting our web site!